
New members join the UMC in Strumica (Macedonia)

«What does it mean to be a member of the United Methodist Church?» This was the theme of the sermon prepared by Rev. Mihail Cekov on Sunday, May 15, when ten persons were received into membership at Strumica UMC in Macedonia.

The new members had completed a membership class where they had learned about the history, beliefs and structure of the United Methodist Church. During the morning worship service they stood before the congregation and pledged to support the United Methodist Church with their prayers, presence, gifts and service. The members of the congregation rejoiced to welcome these persons into membership and were reminded of their own responsibilities as members. Rev. Cekov invited those who are not yet members to consider attending the next membership class. Later the new members were guests at a special luncheon prepared for them at the Miss Stone Center, social outreach center of the UMC.

Source: UMC Macedonia (www.emc-umc.org.mk)
Date: May 18, 2011